1.QA-It was the easiest section of the three.A guy with good enough preparation could attempt at least 10-12 questions.The questions were direct and I must say you would have met them in your journey to CAT-09.
My Attempt-15-16
Expected Correct-12-14
2.DI-DI -was time consuming, reasoning questions in particular.There were lengthy questions in reasoning and just 1 question.DI sets were easy to comprehend, but care must be taken because options are very close and you may fall prey to this.DS questions were also okay.
Expected Correct-10-12(minimum)
3.VA/RC-I don't know why, but it seemed me a bit on the tougher side.There were 3-4 RCs, pretty straight ones(as that of IIFT).The RCs were pretty short with 2 or 4 questions The questions were scattered which include PJ, word usage, paragraph completion and most inappropriate use of a word.Everything was included in VA.
Expected Correct-Don't know (May be 8-9)
With +3, -1 marking scheme
I would peg the cut-offs as
everybody has done this much.Fingers crossed